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How To Get More Vintage Sales on Etsy Part 1 of 6

That is the ultimate question and I am dying to know!  Since vintage is a somewhat newer category on Etsy. I thought I would go straight to the source – those who are kicking some major butt selling vintage items on Etsy.  As a result, I plan on doing a six part series on the topic.

After googling the search term “how to get more vintage sales on Etsy” I was taken to the web site Craft Count which has a listing of the top 250 vintage shops with the most sales on Etsy – what a great place to start my research!  I randomly began selecting different shops and sent an email to each of them asking if they would be so kind to answer twelve questions (I know, that’s a lot to ask of a total stranger!).  Here is my list of questions:    

1. Do you display at craft/antique fairs?
2. Do you have a blog or do you advertise on other blogs?
3. Do you have a Facebook page and/or Twitter account that you utilize for your shop?
4. Do you pay for Google Ads or Etsy Ads?
5. Do you use apps such as “Etsy On Sale”
6. Do you send something special in your packaging (i.e – magnets with your shop name, etc.). If so, what do you send?
7. How often do you list your items on Etsy?
8. Are you involved in the Etsy community (Treasury Teams, etc.).
9. Out of the hundreds of thousands of items and shops on Etsy – what is the best way to be “found” in your experiences?
10. Key Words on Listings – any advice?
11. Pictures – any advice?
12. Have you ever been on the front page of Etsy, been featured, or had the Etsy Blog write about your shop or item? If so, can you expand on this?

From you own experiences, what are your top 3 tips for getting more customers to your Etsy shop?

I’m not sure how many emails I sent out, but I got six fabulous responses from some of the top vintage sellers on Etsy!  I’d like to share these responses with you - my blog readers!

Question 1. Do you display at craft/antique fairs?

Gina from Rusty Secrets said “I don't do craft fairs...I live in Northern Maine and things are very slow here to make that worth my while. I do try to list a variety of things that would be of interest to both men and women from pink doily’s to rusty signs. Diversify is the key word for making money in Maine and it also is for my Etsy shop. I read this advice in an Etsy column when I first started to sell, "Water Your Etsy Shop Every Day And It Will Grow."

Gina has 418 items listed
Been open since April 2009
Sales: 1,943

Laura from Peachy Chic Boutique said “I have done a few flea markets with vintage items, but find it much harder work physically, than having an Etsy shop, so I am not doing those any more.”
Shop Name: Peachy Chic Boutique
Laura has 148 items listed
Been open since Jan 2009
Sales: 1841

Cindy from Two Dog Vintage said “I do a few juried, fine craft shows each season selling my bead embroidery and mixed media artwork. I don't sell my vintage items at flea markets or antique shows.”

Shop Name: Two Dog Vintage
Cindy has 384 items listed
**Vintage Jewelry is her biggest category
Been open since June 2008
Sales: 1661

Analysis:  From the comments received, most DO NOT do craft or vintage fairs.

Questions 2 and 3. Do you have a blog, advertise on other blogs, or have a business Facebook page?

Gina from Rusty Secrets said  “I do not blog, even though I want to hopefully sometime soon, but I do have a Facebook page for my antique shop that has a button at the top to access my Etsy shop.”

Stacy from Vintage Jane said “I do not blog or advertise on blogs, BUT my items have kindly been in many blogs and magazines!” Stacy does have a business Facebook page.

Shop Name: Vintage Jane
Stacey has 209 items listed
Been open since July 2008
Sales: 2541

Cindy from Two Dog Vintage said “I have a blog - - where I share my creative pursuits and some vintage finds.

Analysis:  From the comments received, four of the six have Facebook business pages and only two of the six have blogs. None of those interviewed advertise on other blogs. 

Stay tuned for part 2 of the series where we find out about paying for ads and using Etsy Apps to generate more sales (or not).

Please visit The Gypsy Chix Company on Etsy for all your vintage needs!

When you buy at item from the The Gypsy Chix Company, my sincere hope is that it brings back fond memories of a more simple time. If I am having a bad day, all I have to do is walk into an antique or vintage store and my spirits are instantly lifted. All of the modern day stress instantly leaves as I take a leisurely stroll back in time.

So -- sit back and relax and take a stroll through The Gypsy Chix Company.  I hope you find something that makes you smile and of course it's even better if it's something you can't live without :)

The Gypsy Chix Company, a place where old sh#t is cool. Every home needs a few fun vintage pieces!

 IceCube Trays 011
Vintage Smith Corona Typewriter at The Gypsy Chix Company

  vintage rugs 005
Vintage crocheted rugs from The Gypsy Chix Company

  shot caddy
 Vintage Shot Caddy from The Gypsy Chix Company  

Like my Facebook page to receive periodic discount codes!


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