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Manzanillo, the Final Port

Our fourth and final destination on our 9 day Mexican Riviera Cruise was Manzanillo, Mexico.  The city is known as the Sailfish Capital of the World.  Manzanillo is a major tourist and busiest sea port destination in Mexico.  We were told by Carnival that this was mainly a “working town.”  I wasn’t sure what they meant by this, but when we got off the ship and boarded the tour bus, I saw hundreds and hundreds of shipping containers as we drove down a major thoroughfare.  It was indeed a busy sea port!

Carnival offered an excursion called “Beach and Shopping Tour” and it was $45.95 each.  The tour consisted of:

· Begin with one hour of shopping in the fine stores located in the downtown area.

· Drive through the port of Manzanillo, one of the largest on the Pacific Coast, towards the peninsula of Santiago.

· Enjoy scenic views of Las Hadas Resort & Marina and the twin bays of Manzanillo.

· Continue on to the Miramar Flea Market where you can shop for a variety of arts and crafts.

· Drive to a beach club to soak up the sun, go for a refreshing swim or walk along the beach's golden sand, or relax with a cool drink as you enjoy approximately 2 1/2 hours at the beach.

We did not want to spend this much for a tour, so we got off the ship and found a super nice tour bus that took all six of us to Miramar Beach (which included the Miramar Flea Market) for $10 round trip per person – what a deal!  Miramar Beach is a very popular beach with sun shades ($10 for the day and there are four seats), thatched-roof restaurants, and the arts and crafts market.  Vendors walk around the beach selling their wares.  I ended up purchasing a couple bathing suit cover-ups and a beautiful Mexican blanket – well it ended up being a table cloth.  LOL, it was still beautiful!

We just spent the day on the beach relaxing, drinking Pacificos (Mexican beer) and taking in all that the week had brought.  We had to be back to the ship by 3:00 p.m. so it was a rather short day.  Two more sea days and I’d be back home in the great state of Ohio.
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What will I miss about my cruise vacation/adventure?

The crazy things you only see in only in California! 

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The beautiful scenery:

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Can you spot the seals?

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The cozy little “love shacks” in the adult only section of the ship!  Boy were these hard to get.

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The super-cute little towel animals that await you each night after dinner!

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Pretending like I’m “Queen of the World” – always wanted to do this!

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Making the hubby pose for a picture at the most perfect time Smile

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But mostly, I’m going to miss experiencing and seeing new things with my wonderful husband!

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Can you tell I really enjoyed my vacation?


Kim said…
We are so glad we got to go on another cruise with you! Miss you guys already!!

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