Insanity DVD 2: Cardio Power & Resistance "Build lean muscle and upper-body definition with strength-training and power moves." This DVD followed the same structure as the first one I reviewed (Plyometric Cardio Circuit). There’s about ten minutes of warm-up and just when you think you can't go any further, there is ten minutes of stretching, yeah! After stretching, you get twenty minutes of intense cardio with 30 second water breaks interspersed throughout. It's a tough work-out. You will be doing a lot of jumps and push-ups in this session. I stuck it out just for you! Keep those New Year's resolutions rolling - as Tony Horton would say, "do your best and forget the rest."
Insanity DVD 3: Cardio Recovery "Shaun goes easier on you once a week so you're ready for the next round (33 minutes)" My take: The stretching feels amazing after doing cardio type exercises all week. There are some squat sequences, but not too many. Even though this is one of the shorter videos, everything is in slow motion so the 33 minutes feels like a lot longer. I felt a lot more flexible after completing this DVD.
Insanity DVD 4: Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs "Skip the intervals-this nonstop cardio workout is all extreme. (40 minutes) My take: Hardest one so far! Ten minutes of warm up, ten min of feel good stretching and then twenty minutes of non-stop, butt kicking cardio! Even some of the on-screen workout participants who are in amazing shape drop out to take quick breaks.
I haven’t been following the program like I should, but I’m OK with it. Sometimes I just feel like jumping on the treadmill and doing an easy 30 minutes. My advice: just get out and do so something! Your body will thank you 10 years from now.